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From customer needs to CREI's technical solutions

Welcome to Packaging Valley

It’s in the heart of Packaging Valley, in an area rich with international excellences, that we have our operational headquarters. Here, the choice of having a single plant, no outsourcing, ensures complete control over the production chain.

A new challenge for CREI

When a technical office contacts us to find an innovative solution for a project or to optimize an already cutting-edge heating and temperature detection system, the request is handled comprehensively, both from a technical and commercial perspective. This allows us to provide the customer with the necessary information as quickly as possible.

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Requirement analysis

We analyse the data provided by the customer to assess strengths and weaknesses.

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We design the solution on the final application, for the best result, using the technology at our disposal for correct temperature distribution and detection.

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The Research and Development department is the heart of CREI. This team of engineers driven by passion and the desire to innovate makes a difference in the specialised components sector. Our combination of R&D and 100% in-house production makes us the right partner for the most challenging projects.


The solution designed becomes a prototype. We can thus verify – by means of test sessions, de-bugging, comparison, and the validation of functional characteristics – whether it meets the objectives set at the outset.

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Application test

The prototype is installed on a pilot project to test compatibility and impact in dynamic and production applications before mass production is approved. Our technical experts supervise the start-up for possible fine-tuning.

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Mass production

Having reached this point, our prototype can be confirmed and approved for mass production.

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Do you have an ambitious project in mind to present to us?